Thursday, 8 August 2019

New Book "Handbook on Science and Public Policy"

Handbook on Science and Public Policy

Edited by Dagmar Simon, Stefan Kuhlmann, Julia Stamm and Weert Canzler; Handbooks of Research on Public Policy series, Edward Elgar Publishing, June 2019, ISBN:9781784715939.

About the Book: This Handbook assembles state-of-the-art insights into the co-evolutionary and precarious relations between science and public policy. Beyond this, it also offers a fresh outlook on emerging challenges for science (including technology and innovation) in changing societies, and related policy requirements, as well as the challenges for public policy in view of science-driven economic, societal, and cultural changes. In short, this book deals with science as a policy-triggered project as well as public policy as a science-driven venture.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Science and public policy – relations in flux | Dagmar Simon, Stefan Kuhlmann, Julia Stamm and Weert Canzler

Part I Changing Contract Between Science, Society, and Public Policy

1 Next generation science policy and Grand Challenges | Stefan Kuhlmann and Arie Rip

2 Responsible Innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation | Richard Owen and Mario Pansera

3 Normative answers – epistemic questions. Updating the science–society contract | Sabine Maasen and Sascha Dickel

4 Re-making the modern constitution: the case for an observatory on public engagement practices | Jan-Peter Voß

Part II Changing National/Global Science and Policy Landscape

5 Global science for global challenges | Caroline S. Wagner

6 The current state of the art of science diplomacy | Tim Flink and Nicolas Rüffin

7 Bringing the rules back in. Peer review, bureaucracy and the reform of science governance in France (1960–2010) | Jérôme Aust and Clémentine Gozlan

8 U.S. scientific collaboration on research and policy: the necessity of global engagement | Elizabeth A. Corley

9 Australian science policy: funding, focus and failings | Karen Hussey, Christopher McEwan and Julia Playford

Part III Changing Actors and Framings of Science and Public Policy

10 Innovation and the marginalization of research | Benoît Godin

11 Changing science policies, authority relationships and innovations in public science systems | Richard Whitley

12 Higher education developments and the effects on science | Jeroen Huisman and Marco Seeber

13 New forms of policy expertise | Holger Strassheim and Weert Canzler

14 Innovation, excellence and reputation: the persistence of the German science system | Andreas Knie and Dagmar Simon

15 Gender in European research policy | Liudvika Leišytė

Part IV Changing Production of Knowledge

16 Processing issues in science policy: emerging epistemic regimes | Stefan Böschen

17 Changing science–society relations in the digital age: the citizen science movement and its broader implications | Martina Franzen

18 Triple Helix: a universal innovation model? | Henry Etzkowitz and Alice Zhou

19 Interdisciplinarity put to test: science policy rhetoric vs scientific practice – the case of integrating the social sciences and humanities in Horizon 2020 | Julia Stamm

Part V Changing Governance of Scientific Research and Related Public Policies

20 Changes in European research and innovation governance: coordination effects and membership effects | Susana Borrás

21 How can governance change research content? Linking science policy studies to the sociology of science | Jochen Gläser

22 The changing governance of research systems. Agencification and organizational differentiation in research funding organizations | Benedetto Lepori and Emanuela Reale

23 Globalization and the rise of rankings | Paul Wouters

24 Assessing the broader impacts of publicly funded research | Claire Donovan

Part VI Changing Studies of Science Policy, Science, And Innovation

25 Why science and innovation policy needs Science and Technology Studies? | Robin Williams

26 The future of science policy and innovation studies: some challenges and the factors underlying them | Ben R. Martin

New Book "International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: A Global Resource"

International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: A Global Resource

Edited by René von Schomberg and Jonathan Hankins. Edward Elgar Publishing, July 2019, ISBN: 9781784718855.

About the Book: The Handbook constitutes a global resource for the fast-growing interdisciplinary research and policy communities addressing the challenge of driving innovation towards socially desirable outcomes. This book brings together well-known authors from the US, Europe and Asia who develop conceptual and regional perspectives on responsible innovation as well as exploring the prospects for further implementation of responsible innovation in emerging technological practices ranging from agriculture and medicine, to nanotechnology and robotics. The emphasis is on the socio-economic and normative dimensions of innovation including issues of social risk and sustainability. Show Less

Table of Contents

1 Introduction to the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation | René von Schomberg and Jonathan Hankins

2 Why responsible innovation? | René von Schomberg

Part I Concepts Underpinning Responsible Innovation

Responsibility and Ethics

3 Responsible innovation: process and politics | Richard Owen and Mario Pansera

4 Choosing freedom: ethical governance for responsible research and innovation | Robert Gianni

5 Towards an ethics-of-ethics for responsible innovation | Vural Özdemir

6 Working responsibly across boundaries? Some practical and theoretical lessons | Kjetil Rommetveit, Niels van Dijk, Kristrún Gunnarsdóttir, Kate O'Riordan, Serge Gutwirth, Roger Strand and Brian Wynne


7 Understanding the movement(s) for responsible innovation | Miles Brundage and David H. Guston

8 Is innovation always good for you? New policy challenges for research and innovation | Luc Soete

9 First steps in understanding the economic principles of responsible research and innovation | Miklós Lukovics, Benedek Nagy and Norbert Buzás

10 Responsible research and innovation in the broader innovation system: reflections on responsibility in standardisation, assessment and patenting practices | Ellen-Marie Forsberg

11 Dynamics of responsible innovation constitution in European Union research policy: tensions, possibilities and constraints | Hannot Rodríguez, Andoni Eizagirre and Andoni Ibarra

12 The ties that bind: collective experimentation and participatory design as paradigms for responsible innovation | Alfred Nordmann

13 Engaging the micro-foundations of responsible innovation: integration of social sciences and humanities with research and innovation practices | Erik Fisher

14 Responsible innovation and technology assessment in Europe: barriers and opportunities for establishing structures and principles of democratic science and technology policy | Leonhard Hennen and Linda Nierling

Responsible Innovation in Organizations

15 To what extent should the perspective of responsible innovation irrigate the organization as a whole? | Xavier Pavie

16 From participation to interruption: toward an ethics of stakeholder engagement, participation and partnership in corporate social responsibility and responsible innovation | Vincent Blok

Part II Responsible Innovation: Becoming Responsive to the Global Societal Challenges

17 Shared space and slow science in geoengineering research | Jack Stilgoe

18 Responsible innovation and healthy ageing | Ellen H.M. Moors

19 Responsible innovation and agricultural sustainability: lessons from genetically modified crops | Phil Macnaghten

20 Responsible inclusive innovation: tackling grand challenges globally | Doris Schroeder and David Kaplan

Part III Embedding Responsible Innovation in Emerging Technological Practices

21 Responsible innovation in emerging technological practices | Armin Grunwald

22 From technology assessment to responsible research and innovation in synthetic biology | Dirk Stemerding

23 Responsible innovation and public engagement: what we can learn from the case of nanotechnology | Richard A.L. Jones

24 Responsible innovation in ICT: challenges for industry | Bernd Carsten Stahl, Elisabetta Borsella, Andrea Porcari and Elvio Mantovani

25 Ethics management and responsible research and innovation in the Human Brain Project | Stephen Rainey, Bernd Carsten Stahl, Mark Shaw and Michael Reinsborough

26 Grass-roots case studies in 'poiesis-intensive' responsible innovation (PIRI) | Jonathan Hankins

27 Robotics and responsible research and innovation | Pericle Salvini, Erica Palmerini and Bert-Jaap Koops

Part IV Regional Practices

28 Chinese perspectives on responsible innovation | Yandong Zhao and Miao Liao

29 Responsible innovation: constructing a seaport in China | Qian Wang and Ping Yan

30 Indian perspectives on responsible innovation and frugal innovation | Krishna Ravi Srinivas and Poonam Pandey

31 South-East European perspectives | Norbert Buzás and Miklós Lukovics

32 Responsible innovation in a culture of entrepreneurship: a US perspective | Andrew D. Maynard and Elizabeth Garbee

33 Public engagement as a potential responsible research and innovation tool for ensuring inclusive governance of biotechnology innovation in low- and middle-income countries | Pamela Andanda

Part V Interviews

34 Interview with Piero Bassetti, President of Fondazione Giannino Bassetti | Sally Randles

35 Interview with Robert Madelin, ex-Director General and Advisor on Innovation (European Commission) | Jan Staman and René von Schomberg

Monday, 18 March 2019

CfPs: 5th IndiaLICS International Conference "Innovation Systems in India: Contexts and Challenges" | 29-31 August, Ahmedabad

5th IndiaLICS International Conference 2019

Innovation Systems in India: Contexts and Challenges


August 29-31, 2019



Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India

Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Ahmedabad, India



Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad, India


Call for Papers & Research Proposals


Increasing realisations over perspectives and role of innovations –including but beyond the technological – in impacting economies and societies at the macro, meso and micro levels call for a serious rethink on national, regional and sectoral innovation systems in India. While no clear-cut policies on innovations exist, especially addressing local and sub-national dynamics, absence of comprehensive statistics on innovation and related aspects remains a first major roadblock. Further, innovation potential of subsectors, regions and resources (both physical and knowledge-based) has been poorly articulated as we have limited understanding of interrelationships between diverse stakeholders of science, social-economy and democracy. A common concern is over innovative governance of access and use of resources (particularly, natural) to ensure broad-basing of sustainable production, consumption and conservation.


IndiaLICS is the India chapter of Globelics, an international network of scholars who apply the concept of Learning, Innovation and Competence building System (LICS) as a framework for promoting inclusive and sustainable development in developing countries, emerging economies and societies in transition. IndiaLICS engages in and pro-actively promotes domestic and global exchange of scholarship in innovation systems and the translation of innovation to development outcomes. It organizes seminars/conferences and undertakes capacity building activities as well as research with academics, policymakers, entrepreneurs and workers. For details, please visit:


The Conference aims to be multidisciplinary in its approach by including scholars/practitioners/members from social sciences, physical/natural sciences and development/civil society organisations. Although the focus is on India lessons from other developing and developed countries shall be discussed in a comparative perspective.


Special sessions are planned for interactions of subject experts and activists with young scholars/practitioners.


Pertinent/Suggestive Themes by Broad Intersectional Categories:


National Level:

o Innovation, trade and development

o Comprehensive database and indicators of innovations

o IPRs, standards & regulations

o Foresights and futures for technology

o Skills, knowledge and learning – gaps and solutions

o Innovation activity and firm size in the context of changing technology regimes and market structures


Regional/Sub-national Level:

o Global production networks and governance of value chains

o Enterprise-academia-state-society inter-linkages

o State and STI


Sectoral/Sub-sectoral Level:

o Skills, knowledge gaps in traditional and modern sectors

o Innovations in agriculture, forestry, livestock and fisheries

o Informal sector and innovation (both rural and urban contexts)

o Innovation in services and business model innovation

o Innovations in social sectors (education, health and water)


Overarching Concerns:

o Science, technology and innovation links

o Climate change and protecting the environment

o Gender and innovation

o Inclusive and responsible innovation


These are indicative themes only. Papers beyond these themes shall also be considered.


Important Dates:

• Submission of Extended Abstracts or Research Proposals by April 20, 2019

• Information on Acceptance/Rejection of Abstracts/Proposals by April 27, 2019

• Submission of Full Papers by July 31, 2019


Format for Extended Abstract/Research Proposal:

The abstract/proposal (around 1000 words) must be new (neither published nor being submitted/considered for publication elsewhere) and should preferably be organised around the following subsections (a) Central Concerns (b) Methodology/Approach (c) Main Findings (d) Policy Implications (e) Originality/Value (f) Keywords (upto 5). Papers by young scholars are particularly encouraged. All submissions and enquiries have to be emailed to:


Travel and Hospitality:

Efforts are on to offer travel cost support to participants; details on that shall be conveyed to authors of papers selected. Local hospitality shall be taken care of.

Further Details

New Book | The Oxford Handbook of Higher Education Systems and University Management | edited by G. Redding, A. Drew, & S. Crump, OUP

The Oxford Handbook of Higher Education Systems and University Management
Edited by Gordon Redding, Antony Drew, and Stephen Crump, Oxford University Press, 2019, ISBN: 9780198822905.

About the Book: The world's systems of higher education (HE) are caught up in the fourth industrial revolution of the twenty-first century. Driven by increased globalization, demographic expansion in demand for education, new information and communications technology, and changing cost structures influencing societal expectations and control, higher education systems across the globe are adapting to the pressures of this new industrial environment. To make sense of the complex changes in the practices and structures of higher education, this Handbook sets out a theoretical framework to explain what higher education systems are, how they may be compared over time, and why comparisons are important in terms of societal progress in an increasingly interconnected world.
Drawing on insights from over 40 leading international scholars and practitioners, the chapters examine the main challenges facing institutions of higher education, how they should be managed in changing conditions, and the societal implications of different approaches to change. Structured around the premise that higher education plays a significant role in ensuring that a society achieves the capacity to adjust itself to change, while at the same time remaining cohesive as a social system, this Handbook explores how current internal and external forces disturb this balance, and how institutions of higher education could, and might, respond.

Table of Contents
Part I: Education and Societal Evolution
1: The Description and Comparison of Societal Systems of Higher Education and University Management, Gordon Redding, Antony Drew, and Stephen Crump
2: Criticality, Academic Autonomy, and Societal Progress, Gordon Redding
3: Socializing Human Capital for 21st Century Educational Goals: Suggestive Empirical Findings from Multi-National Research, Michael H. Bond and Yiming Jing
4: Changing the Nature and Role of Universities: The Effects of Funding and Governance Reforms on Universities as Accountable Actors, Richard Whitley
Part II: Strategic Autonomy and the Main University Types
5: Recent Trends in East and West University Governance: Two Kinds of Hollowness, Gabriel Donleavy and K. C. Chen
6: Cycles of Evolution of Ideal Types of Universities: Causes and Consequences for the University Mission - The Case of Poland, Svetlana Gudkova, Anna Pikos, and Valentyna Guminska
7: The Implications of a Diversifying Workforce for Institutional Governance and Management in Higher Education, Celia Whitchurch
8: The Collegial Tradition in English Higher Education: What Is It, What Sustains It, and How Viable Is Its Future?, David Palfreyman and Ted Tapper
9: Managing a University in Turbulent Times, Gordon Redding
Part III: Large Scale Changes and Their Implications
10: Critical Factors and Forces Influencing Higher Education in the 21st Century, Antony Drew, Gordon Redding, and Trevor Harley
11: A New World of Communications in Higher Education and Its Implications, Liam Phelan, Antony Drew and Andrew Yardy
12: Leading in Higher Education, Maurits van Rooijen
13: Policy and Practice in University-Business Relations, Ewart Keep
14: Macro Changes and the Implications For Equality, Social, and Gender Justice in Higher Education, Miriam David, Penny Jane Burke, and Marie-Pierre Moreau
15: Macro Changes and the Implications for Higher Education Research: A Case Study in the Health Sector and Graduate Practice, Tracy Robinson, Kylie Twyford, Helena Teede, and Stephen Crump
16: Canada in a Global System of Higher Education: The Role of Community Engagement, Brent Epperson, Britta Baron, and Carl G. Amrhein
17: Developing and Maintaining Transnational Research Collaborations: A Case Study of Australian Universities, Fazal Rizvi and Ranjit Gajendra
18: Scholarship in the University: An Ecological Perspective, Ronald Barnett
19: Higher Education Finance: Global Realities, Policy Options, and Common Misunderstandings, Bruce Johnstone
20: Educating for the Cooperative Society: The Role of Government in Building Human and Social Capital, Ken Mayhew
Part IV: Fostering Societal Cooperativeness and Innovativeness in the New Conditions
21: Educating for the Cooperative Society: The Role Of Industry in Building Human and Social Capital, Suzanna Tomassi
22: Educating for the Cooperative Society: The Role Of Universities, Research, and the Academic Professions in Fostering Good Citizenship, Murat Erguvan, Nikoloz Parjanadze, and Kevin Hirschi
23: Governments Need To, and Do, Trust Universities, Mike Calford
24: Education and Technological Unemployment in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Michael Peters and Petar Jandric
25: Educating For the Innovative Society: The Role of Indian Institutes of Technology in India, V. V. Krishna and Nimesh Chandra
26: Policy Implications for Equity, Gender, and Widening Participation in Higher Education, Penny Jane Burke, Miriam David and Marie-Pierre Moreau
Part V: Societal Implications of a Changing HE World
27: Reactions, Reflections, and Renewal: The Significance of Higher Education for Intellectual, Social, and Personal Advancement, Stephen Crump
28: Maintaining the Contribution of Higher Education to Societal Progress, Gordon Redding, Stephen Crump, and Antony Drew

Thursday, 31 January 2019

The International Year of the Periodic Table 2019 | Join the celebrations!

The International Year of the Periodic Table 2019
The Periodic Table of Chemical Elements is one of the most significant achievements in science, capturing the essence not only of chemistry, but also of physics and biology. 1869 is considered as the year of discovery of the Periodic System by Dmitri Mendeleev. 2019 will be the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements and has therefore been proclaimed the "International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT2019)" by the United Nations General Assembly and UNESCO. Discover everything about IYPT2019 via its website. Join the celebrations!

The Mystery of Matter: "Unruly Elements"
About the Documentary: Over a single weekend in 1869, a young Russian chemistry professor named Dmitri Mendeleev invents the Periodic Table, bringing order to the growing gaggle of elements. But this sense of order is shattered when a Polish graduate student named Marie Sklodowska Curie discovers radioactivity, revealing that elements can change identities — and that atoms must have undiscovered parts inside them. The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements is an exciting series about one of the great adventures in the history of science: the long and continuing quest to understand what the world is made of. Three episodes tell the story of seven of history's most important scientists as they seek to identify, understand and organize the basic building blocks of matter. The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements shows us not only what these scientific explorers discovered but also how,using actors to reveal the creative process through the scientists' own words and conveying their landmark discoveries through re-enactments shot with replicas of their original lab equipment. Knitting these strands together is host Michael Emerson, a two-time Emmy Award-winning actor. Meet Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier, whose discovery of oxygen led to the modern science of chemistry, and Humphry Davy, who made electricity a powerful new tool in the search for elements. Watch Dmitri Mendeleev invent the Periodic Table, and see Marie Curie's groundbreaking research on radioactivity crack open a window into the atom. Learn how Harry Moseley's investigation of atomic number redefined the Periodic Table, and how Glenn Seaborg's discovery of plutonium opened up a whole new realm of elements still being explored today. The Mystery of Matter: Search for the Elements brings the history of science to life for today's television audience.

New Book | Modi Doctrine, Science Diplomacy: Changing Dynamics of Foreign Policy of India | by Dr Pawan Sikka

New Book
Modi Doctrine, Science Diplomacy: Changing Dynamics of Foreign Policy of India
edited by Pawan Sikka, 2019, Synergy Books India. 

About the Author
Dr. Pawan Sikka (b. 1944) is a former Scientist-G, Advisor, Government of India, Department of Science and Technology (Ministry of Science and Technology) New Delhi. Prior to it as Director (International Relations) for about 7-8 years, he coordinated the Bilateral and Multi-lateral programmes of Iwo international cooperation towards extending the frontiers of new and emerging fields in science and technology. He was Leader of the Indian delegation to SAARC Group Meeting on Science and Technology at Dhaka, Bangladesh, in 1995. He has received his M.Sc., Ph.D. as well as, D.Sc. degrees in Physics. He is recipient of the Commonwealth Visiting Fellowship (1984-85), at the University of Oxford, Oxford, U.K for carrying out Science & Technology Policy and Society and Government related studies, to shape the national and international development agenda. He also received Italian, Sweden, Switzerland, UNESCO, etc. scholarships for understanding the progress of science, technology and industry there. He is a well-read author and widely travelled in India and abroad. He has also delivered special lectures on Science Policy related issues to the M.Phil. and Ph.D. students at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He is a Life-Member of the: Materials Research Society of India, Semi-Conductor Society of India, Association of British Scholars (British Council, New Delhi), and Oxford and Cambridge Society of India.